You Are Strong and Independent

When You Are Comfortable or in a Social Setting:
You are a powerful, competitive person.
While you want to succeed, you are also able to find balance in your life.
People see you as self-sufficient.
They are impressed by how much you are able to do on your own.
While you want to succeed, you are also able to find balance in your life.
People see you as self-sufficient.
They are impressed by how much you are able to do on your own.
When You Are At Your Best:
You are a hyper, restless person.
You need to keep busy, and you always are willing to take charge in life.
People see you as energetic and motivating.
You inspire people to be the best they can be.
You are a hyper, restless person.
You need to keep busy, and you always are willing to take charge in life.
People see you as energetic and motivating.
You inspire people to be the best they can be.

I havent try this one.. hmmm will grab this later hahaha
oh i c..cute huh? fun...amazing but somewhat like true on some sense..hahaha
hehehe im wondering ano kaya sa akin lol
good .. tumpak lagi ang meaning ha
you are such a wonderful, energetic and motivated person talaga
though, we only know each other in blogland, the way you speak your mind, it tells a lot about you...
keep it up
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