Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Internet Service and the Snow

So tomorrow, I will have no internet service. It means, I won't be here to blog, visit your blog or drop any entrecard. I wish I could but the only thing I can do is to be patient and wait until I can get back to my blogging. For sure, I won't be checking my mails and be able to chat with my family and friends. But I will be back soon. I just don't know when.

It is getting colder and colder here. For the past few days, we stayed home and watch TV. The only time we can get out of the house is when we need something in Wal-Mart which is just 3 miles away from our house. Luckily, I have my husband with me who's an expert driving in the snow. He don't seem bothered driving as long as I remind him to be careful always when we go out. Few more snow showers and I am ready to play outside to make my big snowman.

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