Yesterday, we went to our friend's place in Chandler to see the Super Bowl game - Indianapolis Colts and New Orleans Saints. Saints defeated Colts by 14 points. Our friends prepared a lot of food. We brought pizza and chicken hot wings from Papa John's and they prepared brownies, vegetable, chips and dips, fruit salad and chili beans.

the food!

Colts and Saints
We were full even before the game started. We are all rooting for the Saints to win. While watching the game, the Colts got their first three points and touchdowns. But we did not lose hope until luck for the Saints came and their touchdowns keep on coming on and on. The Saints won the 44th Super Bowl and Drew Brees got the MVP award!

Analyn and Me
My friend and I are playing with our make ups and practicing further how to apply make-up and blend the colors. We both had fun. It was a wonderful night.