Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Today is my birthday so I am going to celebrate it with so much love and blessings!

Friday, September 25, 2009

About My Phone...

I purchased my new BlackBerry phone last Friday, September 18 before celebrating my 27th birthday. My husband keeps on pushing me about getting me a new phone since we will not be staying for another winter here in North Dakota. I was thinking of getting the iPhone from AT&T but the problem was, there's no AT&T store around town plus the network coverage is limited. Who wants to get a phone from a certain company if it will give you a bad service?

So, we went to Verizon office to finally get me a new phone. The new model phone from BlackBerry which is the Tour. I fell in-love with it the moment I researched and compared it to BlackBerry Storm. I have been playing with my new toy everyday and I am lovin' it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This Picture...

... is my favorite as of the moment. People said I loose some weight but personally, I still do not notice that to myself. I guess I still need more exercise to sweat out all the excess fats in me. More workouts for me this winter time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is it Time for You to Act Like a Woman?

You're All Grown Up

Congratulations, you're living in the adult world now.

Even though it may have been difficult at first, you've taken responsibility in your life.

You have a great job, fantastic friends, and a grown up wardrobe.

And you're probably on your way to a very successful life!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Two Years Together...

...was full of fun, laughter, travels and exiting moments. It has been 2 wonderful years of being married with my loving husband, Winn. He never fails to make me smile and let me know how much he loves me. I always tell him how much I love him and thanked him for all the wonderful years we have been through. Here we are, celebrating and counting more years to come. Cheers!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Season Is Changing

This morning, when I went to work, I can barely see the highway and the cars passing by. The temperature is 45 degrees and it feels like Fall is coming. I just can't wait, I am so excited!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nicholas Birthday Party

Last Sunday, August 23rd, it was Nicholas birthday celebration. Go, Diego, Go! was the birthday theme. Nicholas celebrated his 2nd year. The birthday party was full of fun and laughter. Owen and Maria - Nicholas' parents prepared good food for everybody.

Maria and Nicholas (enjoying his birthday cake)

The party was not only for kids but also a get together for my Filipina friends. We met new friends who just got married the day before the birthday party. Good food, shared stories, piñata and candy throwing. I got a lot of candies than the kids at the party. I felt like I am one of the kids too! Thanks to Olson Family - Owen, Maria and Nicholas.

Holding Diego for a snapshot